Las consecuencias del alisado del cabello: Lo que debes saber

The consequences of hair straightening: What you should know

Hair straightening has become one of the most popular techniques for those looking to achieve smooth, manageable hair. However, as with many beauty treatments, straightening has its pros and cons. In this article, we will explore the potential consequences of undergoing hair straightening, helping you make an informed decision before resorting to this technique.

1. Hair Damage

One of the most common risks of straightening is damage to the hair. Most straightening treatments use harsh chemicals, such as formaldehyde or derivatives of it, which can alter the natural structure of the hair. This can lead to the weakening of the hair fiber, making the hair more brittle and susceptible to split ends. Over time, the hair can lose its natural shine and become dull.

2. Volume Loss

The straightening process can significantly reduce the natural volume of the hair. This is because the treatment usually removes the natural texture of the hair, leaving it smoother and tighter to the scalp. For those who enjoy voluminous hair, this loss of volume can be an unwanted effect.

3. Allergic Reactions and Scalp Sensitivity

Products used in straightening may contain ingredients that cause allergic reactions in some people. This can manifest as redness, itching, or even burning of the scalp. In addition, repeated exposure to these products can increase the sensitivity of the scalp, which could lead to long-term discomfort.

4. Treatment Dependence

Once you have undergone a straightening treatment, you may feel the need to repeat the treatment regularly to maintain the desired look. With each application, your hair undergoes more wear and tear, which can create a cycle of constant damage. This can also be costly and time-consuming.

5. Health Risks

Some straightening treatments, especially those using formaldehyde, have been the subject of concern due to their potential health risks. Formaldehyde is a chemical known to be carcinogenic in high concentrations. Although the amount used in straightening treatments is usually minimal, repeated exposure to this chemical, both for those undergoing the treatment and for stylists, can increase the risk of long-term health problems.

6. Alterations in the Natural Structure of the Hair

Straightening permanently changes the structure of the hair, meaning that new growth will maintain its original texture while the rest of the hair remains straight. This can create an uncomfortable contrast between the roots and the rest of the hair, requiring frequent touch-ups or adopting a lifestyle with hairstyles that conceal this difference.

7. Post-Straightening Care

After undergoing a straightening treatment, it is crucial to follow a specific hair care regimen. This includes the use of moisturizing and repairing products that help mitigate the damage caused by the treatment. However, if the necessary precautions are not taken, the hair can become even more fragile and prone to breakage.


Hair straightening can offer dramatic results and help maintain a polished, elegant look, but it is not without consequences. It is essential that people consider these potential effects before deciding to undergo the treatment. Consulting a professional stylist, using quality products, and following a proper hair care regimen can help minimize the risks associated with hair straightening.

Before you decide, think about your hair's needs, your lifestyle and your willingness to take on the care necessary to keep your hair healthy. Your hair will thank you!

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